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Americans' civics knowledge increases during a stress-filled year

A growing number of Americans can name the branches of government and the freedoms under the First Amendment though many still misunderstand basic facts about how government works, according to the 2021 Annenberg Constitution ...

When human life begins is a question of politics, not biology

A Texas law that aims to eliminate almost all abortions in the state is part of a long-standing nationwide movement to restrict the right to abortion. The Texas law went into effect on Sept. 1, 2021, and severely limits the ...

Cultural backlash: Is LGBTQ progress an attack on Christianity?

Is Christianity under attack in the United States? It depends on whom you ask. Some church leaders and politicians claim recent LGBTQ progress—such as the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling guaranteeing same-sex couples the ...

Bayer loses another appeal against Roundup cancer verdict

German pharmaceutical and chemical giant Bayer lost another appeal against a verdict that found its Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, the latest setback in its bid to end thousands of lawsuits over the product.

Study: Wraparound services boost outcomes for drug court clients

An evidence-based wraparound service model that reduces barriers to care was shown to enhance drug treatment courts' effectiveness in improving criminal justice and behavioral health outcomes among participants with co-occurring ...

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