When electric fields make spins swirl

We are reaching the limits of silicon capabilities in terms of data storage density and speed of memory devices. One of the potential next-generation data storage elements is the magnetic skyrmion. A team at the Center for ...

Unlocking the secrets of metal-insulator transitions

By using an X-ray technique available at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), scientists found that the metal-insulator transition in the correlated material magnetite is a two-step process. The researchers ...

Extreme weather events rarely occur in isolation

The end of the baking hot summer is a forceful reminder of what the climate could hold in store for us in the future. Between April and August of this year, rainfall in Eastern Switzerland was lower than has ever been recorded. ...

Amber unveils evolution of ancient antlions

Myrmeleontiformia, consisting of antlions and their relatives, are an ancient group of lacewing insects characterized by predatory larvae with unusual morphologies and behaviors. An international team led by Prof. WANG Bo ...

Testing quantum field theory in a quantum simulator

Quantum field theories are often hard to verify in experiments. Now, there is a new way of putting them to the test. Scientists have created a quantum system consisting of thousands of ultra cold atoms. By keeping them in ...

Mapping the edge of reality

Australian and German researchers have collaborated to develop a genetic algorithm to confirm the rejection of classical notions of causality.

Eavesdropping on the particular chatter on the sub-atomic world

Much like two friendly neighbors getting together to chat over a cup of coffee, the minuscule particles in our sub-atomic world also come together to engage in a kind of conversation. Now, nuclear scientists are developing ...

All quantum communication involves nonlocality

Researchers of CWI, University of Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University and the University of Cambridge have proven that quantum communication is based on nonlocality. They show that whenever ...

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