Related topics: plants

Miscanthus, a biofuels crop, can host western corn rootworm

The western corn rootworm beetle, a pest that feasts on corn roots and corn silk and costs growers more than $1 billion annually in the U.S., also can survive on the perennial grass Miscanthus x giganteus, a potential biofuels ...

Things To Ponder While Eating Halloween Candy

For kids, ringing a neighbor's doorbell, yelling "trick or treat," and receiving candy brings plenty of smiles, but for many the real fun of Halloween happens when you turn your plastic jack-o'-lantern candy bucket upside ...

Hopping space dust makes asteroids look rougher

Like corn kernels popping in a frying pan, tiny grains of dust may hop around on the surface of asteroids, according to a new study from physicists at CU Boulder.

Mayan village in Mexico impacted by climate change

(AP) -- The first time Araceli Bastida Be heard the phrase "climate change" was on TV two years ago. Then she began to understand why strange things had been happening in her village.

Determining outcomes of on-farm best practices

Baking a cake from scratch has more variables than baking one from a boxed mix. Though one can debate why—and when—cake mixes were developed, they are popular, and produce a uniform product. (They were really patented ...

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