Related topics: plants

Improved soil condition increases moisture for crops

Tillage practices that conserve moisture, plants that use water more efficiently and soil with more organic matter have produced higher yields even in dry conditions, according to soil scientist David Clay, professor of plant ...

Essential oils help control fungus growth in Argentinian corn

Argentina is the second highest corn producing country in the world. But because of the slow drying process in corn kernels and wet weather conditions in Argentina, corn grown there can easily become infected with fungus. ...

Collaboration yields new organic sweet corn variety

When the time comes for Wisconsin's organic farmers to decide which crops to plant next year, they'll have a tasty new variety of sweet corn—with a particularly sweet name—among their choices.

Armyworms develop resistance to Bt corn

In fall 2013, Dominic Reisig got a phone call from a farmer in rural Hyde County, N.C. The farmer was growing corn, and it was literally falling apart in the field. What was going on?

Boosting butanols role in the biofuel world

Butanol is the go-to industrial solvent for products such as lacquers and enamels, but it might also play a substantial role in the production of renewable fuels. Gallon for gallon, it has 30 percent more energy than ethanol ...

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