Related topics: corn

Sweaty corn is making it even more humid

Barb Boustead remembers learning about corn sweat when she moved to Nebraska about 20 years ago to work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and found herself plunked down in an ocean of corn. The term ...

Breakthrough on tar spot pathogen enables field research

University of Minnesota researchers developed and reported processes for the first time to infect corn plants in the field with the corn tar spot pathogen, a relatively new disease threatening corn production across the United ...

Scientists identify gene that could lead to resilient 'pixie' corn

A widely found gene in plants has been newly identified as a key transporter of a hormone that influences the size of corn. The discovery offers plant breeders a new tool to develop desirable dwarf varieties that could enhance ...

Researchers discover corn reduces arsenic toxicity in soil

When crops grow in arsenic-contaminated soil, this toxic element accumulates in the food chain. A study involving the University of Basel has now discovered a mechanism used by corn plants to reduce arsenic uptake: the key ...

Microbial allies may help turn tables on tar spot fungus in corn

Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are leaving no stone—or rather, leaf—unturned in their search for new ways to counter the fungus that causes tar spot, a yield-robbing disease of field corn in the midwestern ...

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