Mystery solved: Scientists trace source of Stonehenge boulders

Stonehenge, a Neolithic wonder in southern England, has vexed historians and archaeologists for centuries with its many mysteries: How was it built? What purpose did it serve? Where did its towering sandstone boulders come ...

Large earthquakes shape landscape at high elevation

The mountain landscape is a result of battle between tectonic uplift, river incision and bedrock landsliding. The erosion of landslide dominates the process of removing sediment from the watersheds; therefore, where it happens ...

A steaming cauldron follows the dinosaurs' demise

A new study reveals the Chicxulub impact crater may have harbored a vast and long-lived hydrothermal system after the catastrophic impact event linked to the extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

15,000-year-old viruses found in Tibetan glacier

A team of researchers from The Ohio State University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has found a host of ancient virus groups in ice cores taken from a Tibetan glacier. They have written a paper about their discovery ...

Clues on how soils may respond to climate change found

Rock core samples from a period of warming millions of years ago indicate soils contributed to a rapid rise in atmospheric greenhouse gas and suggest modern climate models may overestimate Earth's ability to mitigate future ...

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