Related topics: coral reefs

Understanding the growth of coral reefs

Determining the growth dynamics of Red Sea coral reefs has enabled researchers to establish a baseline to assess the effects of environmental change.

Fish communities key to balancing nutrients in coral reefs

( —Coral reefs are among the most productive—and imperiled—ecosystems in the world. One of the many threats they face is pollution from runoff and poorly treated wastewater, which upsets the delicate balance ...

Rottnest's tropical corals found to thrive

Researchers are surprised at thriving coral growth at Rottnest Island, predicting its smaller coral communities could grow into a reef similar to the one that existed there in the Last Interglacial, approximately 130,000 ...

Widest coral in the Great Barrier Reef identified

An exceptionally large coral—a structure made up of small marine animals and calcium carbonate—discovered in the Great Barrier Reef is described in Scientific Reports this week. It is the widest and sixth tallest coral ...

Climate change puts brakes on speedy corals

Scientists at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) have found some fast-growing coral species on the Great Barrier Reef slow down their growth rates when exposed to warm water.

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