Studies shed light on collapse of coral reefs (w/Video)

An explosion of knowledge has been made in the last few years about the basic biology of corals, researchers say in a new report, helping to explain why coral reefs around the world are collapsing and what it will take for ...

Acidic oceans could aid photosynthesis

( -- Groundbreaking Victoria University research shows that ocean acidification may have no negative effect on tropical corals and local sea anemones - in fact it may improve photosynthesis.

Heat-tolerant coral may trade fast growth for resilience

Algae living within the soft tissue of coral supply much of the energy needed by their hosts, and some symbiotic algae help coral withstand warmer water better than others. In a recently published study led by the University ...

Widest coral in the Great Barrier Reef identified

An exceptionally large coral—a structure made up of small marine animals and calcium carbonate—discovered in the Great Barrier Reef is described in Scientific Reports this week. It is the widest and sixth tallest coral ...

The cement for coral reefs

Coral reefs are hotspots of biodiversity. As they can withstand heavy storms, they offer many species a safe home, and at the same time, they protect densely populated coastal regions as they level out storm-driven waves. ...

A factor limiting recovery from bleaching in corals

Increases in seawater temperature can cause coral bleaching through the loss of symbiotic algae. Corals can recover from bleaching by recruiting algae into host cells from the residual symbiont population or from the external ...

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