How 3-D printing threatens our patent system

Remember Napster or Grokster? Both services allowed users to share computer files – usually digital music – that infringed the copyrights for those songs.

Netflix for live, local TV? It could happen

A couple of San Diego entrepreneurs, former executives from the wireless and cable TV industries, believe they can accomplish what might seem impossible: deliver live, local broadcast television - not bundled in a cable package ...

Appeals court rules in favor of Google's online library

Google is not violating copyright laws by digitizing books for a massive online library, a federal appeals court ruled Friday in a decadelong dispute by authors worried that the project would spoil the market for their books.

Twitter sidelines sports highlight accounts

Twitter sidelined a pair of popular sports publication accounts after fielding complaints they ran afoul of copyright rules for sharing video snippets from US football games.

Kim Dotcom extradition hearing begins in New Zealand

Kim Dotcom and three colleagues face an extradition hearing that began Monday in an Auckland courtroom. Dotcom is the colorful German-born entrepreneur who started the Internet site Megaupload, which was shut down by federal ...

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