Related topics: google · copyright infringement · youtube

Oracle wants $1.3 billion SAP verdict reinstated

The bitter legal tussle between business software maker Oracle Corp. and rival SAP over a jury's $1.3 billion copyright infringement verdict may be headed back to a trial court for more litigation.

Record labels sue Pandora over older songs

Major record labels are suing Internet radio giant Pandora for copyright infringement for using songs recorded before 1972 without paying license fees.

Authors Guild asks US court to rule against Google

The Authors Guild says that Google Inc. is stealing business from retailers and has asked a New York federal appeals court to find that the Internet giant is violating copyright laws with its massive book digitization project.

US film studios sue Megaupload for piracy

The top US film studios have filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against defunct file-sharing website Megaupload, shut down by US authorities as part of a criminal probe of online piracy.

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