Germany challenges Google books settlement: minister

Germany on Tuesday said it opposed a legal settlement that would allow Google to digitise and sell millions of books online, arguing it violated international treaties on authors' rights.

Dutch court: Web site must remove copyright works

(AP) -- A civil court on Wednesday ordered Dutch Web site Mininova to remove within three months all files on its servers that point to copyrighted works or face a fine of up to euro5 million ($7.16 million).

The Pirate Bay back online after fine threat

The Pirate Bay, one of the world's most popular filesharing websites, was back online on Tuesday after being shut down when a Swedish court threatened its bandwith supplier with a hefty fine.

Fine threat puts The Pirate Bay off the Intenet

The Pirate Bay, one of the world's most popular filesharing websites, is off the Internet after a Swedish court threatened its bandwith supplier with a hefty fine, news reports said Tuesday.

Pirate Bay to challenge Dutch ban

The owners of Swedish filesharing website The Pirate Bay will seek a retrial after a Dutch court temporarily banned its activities in the Netherlands, their lawyer said on Monday.

Mass. student on trial admits sharing tunes online

(AP) -- A Boston University graduate student accused of illegally swapping music online nonchalantly admitted in court Thursday that he has downloaded and shared hundreds of songs by Nirvana, Green Day, The Smashing Pumpkins ...

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