Byliner, a new website for readers and writers

Print magazines may be struggling but the founders of Byliner, a new website, believe there is an audience and a business opportunity online for long-form journalism.

Google stops digitizing old newspapers

Google on Friday had stopped digitizing old newspapers as publishers sought to make money off story archives instead of having them hosted free online.

Virtual reality you can touch (w/ Video)

Researchers at the Computer Vision Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, have developed a method with which they can produce virtual copies of real objects. The copies can be touched and even sent via the Internet. By incorporating ...

Homework copying can turn As into Cs, Bs into Ds

Copying a few answers from another student’s math or science homework assignment occurs much more frequently than copying during examinations or plagiarism on term papers. It is rarely prosecuted by discipline committees ...

Apple's own approach to iPad e-books could confuse

(AP) -- Even as Apple's iPad will likely energize electronic reading, the new device is undermining a painstakingly constructed effort by the publishing industry to make it possible to move e-books between different electronic ...

Hollywood hopes an ensemble cast boosts Blu-ray

(AP) -- Although prices for some Blu-ray players dropped below $100 this holiday season, customers are hesitating to jump into the next-generation video format. Even people who already own Blu-ray players are still buying ...

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