Cooking up a conductive alternative to copper with aluminum

In the world of electricity, copper is king—for now. That could change with new research from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that is serving up a recipe to increase the conductivity of aluminum, making it ...

Scientists develop new materials for board-level photonics

Today at the Photonics West conference, Dow Corning and IBM scientists unveiled a major step in photonics, using a new type of polymer material to transmit light instead of electrical signals within supercomputers and data ...

Nokia Siemens Networks achieves world record copper DSL speeds

Nokia Siemens Networks has successfully tested a technology that could drastically increase the data carrying capacity of standard copper wires. The company achieved data transmission speeds of 825 megabits per second (Mbps) ...

Fiber-optic speeds achieved over copper lines

( -- Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent's research arm, has demonstrated industry record broadband download speeds of up to 300 Megabits per second using two traditional twisted pair copper telephone lines. The achievement ...

Optical computers light up the horizon

Since their invention, computers have become faster and faster, as a result of our ability to increase the number of transistors on a processor chip.

Technology convergence may widen the digital divide

( -- Technology is helping communication companies merge telephone, television and Internet services, but a push to deregulate may leave some customers on the wrong side of the digital divide during this convergence, ...

Researchers report breakthrough in narrow pitch interconnects

Imec researchers set major step towards 20nm half pitch interconnects with the realization of electrically functional copper lines embedded into silicon oxide using a spacer-defined double patterning approach.

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