Thousands protest against nuclear power in Japan

About 2,000 demonstrators hit the streets of Yokohama on Saturday calling for an end to nuclear energy in Japan after the March 11 disaster that sparked the worst atomic crisis since Chernobyl.

Cooling red-hot steel with warm water

Ph.D. student Camila Gomez mimicked the cooling process of Tata Steel's blast furnaces in the lab and found out that it's better to cool with warmer water.

Satellites document effects of heat waves on plants

A new scientific study shows how periods of drought affect photosynthesis throughout the course of the day. The study found that plants in regions that are typically dry increase their CO2 intake during the morning hours ...

Webb findings support long-proposed process of planet formation

Scientists using James Webb Space Telescope just made a breakthrough discovery in revealing how planets are made. By observing water vapor in protoplanetary disks, Webb confirmed a physical process involving the drifting ...

Cool roofs have water saving benefits too

The energy and climate benefits of cool roofs have been well established: By reflecting rather than absorbing the sun's energy, light-colored roofs keep buildings, cities, and even the entire planet cooler. Now a new study ...

Water evaporated from trees cools global climate

Scientists have long debated about the impact on global climate of water evaporated from vegetation. New research from Carnegie's Global Ecology department concludes that evaporated water helps cool the earth as a whole, ...

New economic electric water cooling pump for automobiles

The low cost, high efficiency electric pump offers an environmentally friendly alternative to mechanical counterparts. Aisin Seki Co., Ltd has now successfully developed a smaller, cheaper electric cooling pump through some ...

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