Battling addictions with engineering algorithms

( -- Chemical engineers are responsible for numerous scientific advances, ranging from affordable pharmaceuticals and super-strong synthetic fibers to environmental cleanup and recycling technologies. Most people ...

Problems plague new air traffic control computers

(AP) -- New computers crucial to modernizing the U.S. air traffic control system have run into serious problems and may not be fully operational by the end of this year when the current system is supposed to be replaced, ...

ZigBee would allow remote use of home electronics

You probably have a mobile phone with a Bluetooth radio in it, and you may have a Wi-Fi network as well. Soon, you could be using a third wireless networking technology in your house.

Useful, useless and unusual at US gadget show

Cutting-edge technology grabbed the headlines at the premier US gadget show here but the showrooms also featured products better described as useful, useless and downright unusual.

An astronaut controls a robotic dog from orbit

Swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt took control of a series of robots in Germany while on board the International Space Station, zipping around the Earth at 28,000 kilometers per hour (17,500 mph.) Researchers want to understand ...

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