How the European conquest affected Native Americans

Researchers from Germany and the United States suggest that the European conquest triggered the loss of more than half the Native American population. The results of their study provide new insight into the demise of the ...

Materials that shrink when heated

One common reason that people with fillings experience toothache is that their fillings expand at a different rate to the original tooth when, for example, drinking a hot drink. Contrary to intuition, however, not all materials ...

New microfluidic chip replicates muscle-nerve connection

MIT engineers have developed a microfluidic device that replicates the neuromuscular junction—the vital connection where nerve meets muscle. The device, about the size of a U.S. quarter, contains a single muscle strip and ...

New world record for Danish nano researchers

Researchers at the Nano-Science Center at the University of Copenhagen have recently moved a big step closer to understanding chemical processes. Their world record comes from tracking the biggest contraction in an inorganic ...

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Contraction may refer to:

In physiology:

In linguistics:

In science:

In mathematics:


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