Related topics: bacteria · water

Simple arsenic sensor could save lives

A low-cost, easy-to-use sensor which can test drinking water for arsenic in just one minute has been developed by Imperial and UCL researchers.

Sourcing contamination in waterways

Understanding the source of contaminants in our waterways is crucial for public health and safety, and a University of Connecticut professor is developing an easy way to do just that.

AMA addresses physicians' role in addressing unsafe water

(HealthDay)—Clinicians should be trained to recognize symptoms of contaminated water use in order to help prevent contamination and execute other public health duties, according to an American Medical Association (AMA) ...

Puerto Rico investigates post-hurricane disease outbreak

Four deaths in Hurricane Maria's aftermath are being investigated as possible cases of a disease spread by animals' urine, Puerto Rico's governor said Wednesday amid concerns about islanders' exposure to contaminated water.

Producing simple kits for safe water in Rajasthan

University of Adelaide researchers are planning to produce simple, low-cost, self-assembly water purification kits to provide fresh drinking water in the Indian state of Rajasthan, South Australia's sister state.

Filter may be a match for fracking water

A new filter produced by Rice University scientists has proven able to remove more than 90 percent of hydrocarbons, bacteria and particulates from contaminated water produced by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations ...

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