How COVID-19 has changed what we watch and how we watch it

University of Virginia Darden School of Business professor Anthony Palomba is an expert in media management, an interdisciplinary academic discipline that examines how audiences consume media and entertainment products and ...

Color and texture matter most when it comes to tomatoes

A new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), evaluated consumers' choice in fresh tomato selection and revealed which characteristics make the red fruit most appealing.

Adding a 'decoy option' may give extra boost to crowdfunding

Imagine walking into an ice cream shop and scanning your options. A sugar cone with one scoop is $3. A second scoop comes out to $4, but for just 50 cents more, you can get a large waffle cone with three scoops. Some people ...

Researchers examine the rise of liveblogging

Dr Neil Thurman and Anna Walters, from City University London's Journalism School, have just published a study into liveblogging, which is becoming the default format for covering major breaking news stories, sports events, ...

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