Daily deal companies are here to stay, according to consumers

Despite recent news reports questioning the long-term viability of daily deal companies, a new study from researchers at Rice University and Cornell University shows that the companies are more popular than ever among consumers.

Toyota recalls made no dent on their brand: study

A study from North Carolina State University shows that Toyota's safety-related recalls that began in 2009 made little to no impact on how consumers perceived the brand.

Marketing researchers study effect of red on consumer behavior

Rajesh Bagchi was once an engineer in California and Colorado, providing software support on water and sewer master plans to utilities and consultants and co-authoring papers about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated ...

Benefits messaging boosts consumer plant purchasing

A deeper understanding of the relationship between plant benefits, consumer perceptions, and demographic differences is important when shaping marketing strategies for communicating the benefits of plants. In the ornamental ...

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