Do cold temperatures result in heat-of-the-moment purchases?

In 2005, the New York Times reported that high end retailer Bergdorf Goodman kept its stores chilled to 68.3 degrees, whereas Old Navy's was kept at a balmy 80.3. Meanwhile, the swanky IFC mall in Hong Kong is kept at a frigid ...

Locating and leveraging inside sources of consumer insight

Most people do not really know why they buy what they buy, eat what they eat, or do what they do! As consumers we can make something up or answer a survey, but we don't know buying trends and behaviors as well as those directly ...

Buying behavior can be swayed by cultural mindset

There are some combinations that just go well together: Milk and cookies, eggs and bacon, pancakes and maple syrup. But new research reveals that people with individualistic mindsets differ from their collectivist counterparts ...

The cucumbers carbon footprint in focus

Since the outbreak of E. coli in Germany and Austria 2011 resulting in suspicions against ecological cucumbers, student Michaela Raab has been interested in the environmental impacts of the cucumber. The overall aim is to ...

Need to move soon? Don't trust your emotions

Consumers are more likely to make emotional instead of objective assessments when the outcomes are closer to the present time than when they are further away in the future, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer ...

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