How to 3-D-print a bathroom in one day

Researchers from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed the capability to 3-D print an unfurnished bathroom in less than a day.

Why are so few girls choosing careers in construction?

A new report looks at how construction is portrayed and perceived by high-school girls as a potential career option. Dr Phillippa Carnemolla, Senior Research Fellow at UTS School of Built Environment also examined the pathways ...

Hospitals filling up in Europe's most polluted capital

Children are missing school and hospitals are running out of beds as a noxious smog smothers Skopje, earning the small Macedonian city the grim distinction of being Europe's most polluted capital.

Study IDs trouble areas, aims to speed up construction projects

Research from North Carolina State University identified factors that cause construction site managers to schedule more time than necessary for specific tasks. Understanding these factors and whether they can be reduced or ...

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