The coolest LEGO in the universe

For the first time, LEGO has been cooled to the lowest temperature possible in an experiment which reveals a new use for the popular toy.

Generating electricity from vibrations in road surface works

A pilot research project into vibration energy on the N34 provincial motorway near Hardenberg in the eastern Netherlands has shown that vibration energy as a local energy source is a sustainable alternative for the batteries ...

Recipe for success: Recycled glass and cement

( -- Michigan State University researchers have found that by mixing ground waste glass into the cement that is used to make concrete, the concrete is stronger, more durable and more resistant to water.

Bamboo: The new super construction material

Researchers from the University’s BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials, in collaboration with a team from Coventry University and the University of Cambridge, are exploring the use of bamboo for the widespread ...

Building bricks from plastic waste

Revolutionary 'green' types of bricks and construction materials could be made from recycled PVC, waste plant fibers or sand with the help of a remarkable new kind of rubber polymer discovered by Australian scientists.

Researchers find a better way to design metal alloys

Advanced metal alloys are essential in key parts of modern life, from cars to satellites, from construction materials to electronics. But creating new alloys for specific uses, with optimized strength, hardness, corrosion ...

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