With the right tools, we can mine cities

From 1900 to 2010, the amount of materials accumulated in buildings and infrastructure across the world increased 23-fold. We are depleting our resources at unprecedented rates. Instead of extracting dwindling raw materials ...

Valuable substances extracted from conifer stumps and roots

CT The stumps and roots of coniferous trees contain extractives which can be processed into highly valuable products. In his doctoral dissertation on chemistry at the University of Helsinki, Harri Latva-Mäenpää studies ...

Geopolymers as a climate-friendly cement alternative

Researchers at TU Darmstadt are proposing geopolymers as an alternative to cement. These mineral binders are not only more environmentally friendly, they are also more resistant to chemicals and high temperature.

A raincoat for houses

The construction industry is preparing to use textiles from the clothing and footwear industries. Gore-Tex-like membranes, which are usually found in weather-proof jackets and trekking shoes, are now being studied to build ...

A unique additive for the ideal concrete

Whether it's for drying time, hardness, or uniformity, a new additive developed at EPFL can give concrete, mortar, and cement the desired consistency, all in one shot. Made from inorganic compounds, the additive can also ...

Canada to ban asbestos by 2018

Once the world's top producer of asbestos, Canada said Thursday it will ban the heat-resistant fibrous mineral that is woven into building and other materials but which has been found to cause cancer.

Textile fiber waste helps improve the sustainability of materials

Researchers from UPM have developed a panel with textile waste that improves both the thermal and acoustic conditions of buildings and reduces the energy impact associated to the production of construction materials and greenhouse ...

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