Does political party trump ideology?

It's the political scientist's often-asked chicken and egg: does a person's political party or policy attitudes come first?

Amazon suffering 'epidemic' of illegal gold mines

Illegal gold mining in the Amazon has reached "epidemic" proportions in recent years, causing damage to pristine forest and waterways, a conservation group said Monday as it released an unprecedented new map of the activities.

The endangered species list: counting lemurs in Madagascar

Most people are familiar with the endangered species list. Officially known as the IUCN Red List of threatened species, it's coordinated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and provides the most ...

African elephants 'suffer worst decline in 25 years'

Africa's elephant population has suffered its worst drop in 25 years, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said Sunday, blaming the plummeting numbers on poaching.

Feds to consider endangered species listing for spotted owl

Federal biologists will consider increasing Endangered Species Act protections for the northern spotted owl, reflecting the bird's continued slide toward extinction despite steep logging cutbacks in the Northwest forests ...

Endangered Philippine eagle killed by falling branch

A rare Philippine eagle, whose species is on the brink of extinction, was killed inside a conservation group's breeding centre when a branch fell on its cage, the centre said Saturday.

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