Related topics: species

New Red List developed for threatened ecosystems

Scientists have developed a new Red List system for identifying ecosystems at high risk of degradation, similar to the influential Red List for the world's threatened species.

Expert: Rhino population wiped out in Mozambique

(AP)—Mozambique's rhinoceros population was wiped out more than a century ago by big game hunters. Reconstituted several years ago, the beasts again are on the brink of vanishing from the country by poachers seeking their ...

Cheetahs in race to survive

The cheetah, the world's fastest land animal, survived mass extinction during the last ice age 10,000 years ago.

Endangered Sumatran elephant born in captivity

A baby Sumatran elephant peeps out timidly from between the legs of its mother at an Indonesian zoo, where her birth has given a boost to the critically endangered animal.

A ray of light thrown on 60-year-old mystery

The unexpected capture of a rare ray found only in a small region off South Australia could help marine scientists validate the existence of the elusive magpie fiddler ray (Trygonorrhina melaleuca).

Alarm over vanishing frogs in the Caribbean

A curtain of sound envelops the two researchers as they make their way along the side of a mountain in darkness, occasionally hacking their way with a machete to reach the mouth of a small cave.

Comprehensive protection required to save Hector's dolphin

( —New Zealand's heavily endangered Hector's dolphin population could recover if protection measures were extended out to 100m deep throughout its habitat, according to a new University of Otago review.

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