Related topics: species

Endangered Sumatran elephant born in captivity

A baby Sumatran elephant peeps out timidly from between the legs of its mother at an Indonesian zoo, where her birth has given a boost to the critically endangered animal.

Pet bears to be returned to wild in Vietnam

Seven Asiatic black bears kept as pets in small cages will be prepared for a return to the wild in Vietnam after their owner decided they were too big for captivity, an official said Monday.

Extinction fears shadow global conservation forum

The world's largest conservation forum opened in South Korea Thursday with warnings that reckless development was ruining the planet's natural health, pushing thousands of species towards extinction.

Comprehensive protection required to save Hector's dolphin

( —New Zealand's heavily endangered Hector's dolphin population could recover if protection measures were extended out to 100m deep throughout its habitat, according to a new University of Otago review.

Climate change spurring frog extinctions: conservationists

Three Central American frog species have gone extinct and many others may soon follow as their populations are ravaged by a fungus that is spreading faster because of climate change, conservationists said Thursday.

Coral survival's past is key to its future

Florida Institute of Technology researchers are taking an historical approach to predict the extinction risk of reef-building corals. Led by Robert van Woesik, professor of biological sciences, the researchers are examining ...

The sad state of biodiversity

Factfile on biodiversity ahead of talks opening Monday under the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Hyderabad, India.

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