Related topics: species

Dog urine to the rescue of threatened hooded plovers

Many dread the smell of dog urine, including Australian predators like foxes. Deakin University ecologists are testing the utility of dog urine to protect the nests of a vulnerable shorebird.

Huge groups of fin whales sign of hope for ocean giants

For the first time since whaling was banned, dozens of southern fin whales have been filmed feasting together in a "thrilling" Antarctic spectacle, hailed by scientists Thursday as a sign of hope for the world's second largest ...

Measuring conservation in a way that counts

A new study raises questions on whether current conservation science and policy for protected areas could be saving more biodiversity—with political and economic expediency often having taken precedence in the past.

Endangered blue whales recorded off southwest coast of India

Research from the University of Washington shows that endangered blue whales are present and singing off the southwest coast of India. The results suggest that conservation measures should include this region, which is considering ...

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