Related topics: species

Is too much fresh water used to water Florida lawns?

Wasting fresh water is a real concern. A recent study conducted with homeowners in central Florida found that, on average, 64 percent of the drinking water used by homes went to irrigation. In the summer months, this percentage ...

California water consumption drops

Water consumption dropped 13.5 percent in California in April compared to the same month in 2013 before water saving measures went into effect, as the western US state fights a debilitating drought with mandatory cuts.

Pacific states say tuna talks making slow progress

Pacific island states expressed frustration Wednesday at a lack of progress in talks aimed at protecting the region's valuable tuna resources, accusing powerful faraway fishing nations of stalling on conservation measures.

Novel methods to support decision making processes

Mathematical analysis based on numbers and numerical estimates is widely used in decision making everywhere from public administration and business to environmental conservation. Methods for decision analysis evaluate different ...

New fuel cell system generates power on campus

UC Santa Barbara is now host to a unique new energy system that is providing electricity as part of the university's commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability. The new 200-kilowatt Bloom Energy Server is directly ...

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