Related topics: species

India's Silicon Valley faces man-made water crisis

Every day more than 1,000 water tankers rumble past Nagraj's small plywood store in Bangalore, throwing up clouds of dust as they rush their valuable cargo to homes and offices in India's drought-stricken tech hub.

Combating climate change from the trenches

Land degradation is a serious cause for concern in sub-Saharan Africa where it affects more than two-thirds of its territory. The heavy reliance on an agriculture that is highly vulnerable to climate change, and the ever-increasing ...

Is too much fresh water used to water Florida lawns?

Wasting fresh water is a real concern. A recent study conducted with homeowners in central Florida found that, on average, 64 percent of the drinking water used by homes went to irrigation. In the summer months, this percentage ...

California water consumption drops

Water consumption dropped 13.5 percent in California in April compared to the same month in 2013 before water saving measures went into effect, as the western US state fights a debilitating drought with mandatory cuts.

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