Highlight: Nanoscale piezoresponse of ferroelectric domains

The first fundamental studies of the dependence of ferroelectric domain configuration and switching behavior on the shape of epitaxial BiFeO3 (BFO) nanostructures has been reported by users from Northwestern University, Korea ...

The Very Large Array: Astronomical shapeshifter

When the Very Large Array was completed forty years ago, it was a different kind of radio telescope. Rather than having a single antenna dish, the VLA has 27. The data these antennas gather is combined in such a way that ...

NASA Marshall Successfully Tests Sub-Scale Rocket Motor (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Fire and sparks flew as a 24-inch-diameter solid rocket motor was successfully tested May 27 at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The 21-second firing tested a NASA sub-scale motor designed ...

Opening a new window on daylight

A new approach to windows that could let in more light and cut indoor lighting needs by up to 99% in buildings in Tropical regions without losing the cooling effect of shades. Details are reported in the International Journal ...

How NASA's Deep Space Network supports the agency's missions

Over 50 years ago, NASA captured the world's imagination and inspired generations with the Apollo 11 moon landing. NASA's then-young Deep Space Network (DSN) was crucial to tracking and communicating with that mission, as ...

Catering to car buyers' desires

(PhysOrg.com) -- Buying a new car is one of the biggest purchases most people make. But how can you be sure that the car you order will live up to your expectations? European and Asian researchers are using immersive virtual ...

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