Why we should all care about cyber crime

In today's world, the reality is that all individuals and organisations connected to the internet are vulnerable to cyber attack. The number, type and sophistication of attacks continues to grow, as the threat report published ...

A 15-user quantum secure direct communication network

Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) based on entanglement can directly transmit confidential information. Scientist in China explored a QSDC network based on time-energy entanglement and sum-frequency generation. The ...

EBay official: Employees shared Craigslist data

(AP) -- Employees of Internet auction site eBay shared confidential information gained from Craigslist with other employees developing eBay's own online classifieds business, an eBay executive said Wednesday.

Hacker linked to Anonymous gets 10-year sentence

A computer programmer linked to the online hacktivist group Anonymous who pleaded guilty to hacking the intelligence firm Stratfor was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison, prosecutors said.

German prosecutors raid Porsche in corruption probe

Prosecutors in Stuttgart said they raided German sports carmaker Porsche on Tuesday on suspicion that an auditor working for the authorities received bribes to pass information to the tax advisor of the Volkswagen subsidiary.

Head for the clouds, feet firmly on the ground

Computer engineers in the US writing in the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems have reviewed the research literature to get a clear picture of cloud computing, its adoption, use and the ...

Citi fined $2 mn over Facebook IPO leak

US banking giant Citigroup paid a $2 million fine to a state regulator and fired a junior analyst over a probe into leaks of confidential information on Facebook's public offering, officials said Friday.

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