Related topics: electrons · graphene · solar cells · carbon atoms

Scientists find new solid-state material for thermal regulation

About 90% of the world's energy use involves generation or manipulation of heat, while controlling thermal transport is yet a challenge in many fields, varying from the micro- and nano-scale electronic devices to aeronautics. ...

An invisible keyhole via transparent electronics

Hard times for burglars and safecrackers: Empa researchers have developed an invisible "keyhole" made of printed, transparent electronics. Only authorized persons know where to enter the access code.

Molecular bridges power up printed electronics

The exfoliation of graphite into graphene layers inspired the investigation of thousands of layered materials: amongst them transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). These semiconductors can be used to make conductive inks ...

Moiré patterns facilitate discovery of novel insulating phases

Materials having excess electrons are typically conductors. However, moiré patterns—interference patterns that typically arise when one object with a repetitive pattern is placed over another with a similar pattern—can ...

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