Hybrids, small SUVs, sense of relief at Frankfurt

The world's automakers are showing off their shiniest, most advanced vehicles at the Frankfurt Auto Show, which opens this week. Among the 70 world premieres are a notable number of new cars powered either by batteries or ...

Economist develops modern typology of innovation research

A RUDN University economist has developed a new typology of theoretical approaches to innovations study, expanding theoretical knowledge in this field of science. Based on the new typology, the scientist named the most promising ...

Creativity that counts

In a digital world, literature, art and music are often the result of collaborative efforts. But who owns what, and can copyright law cope? New research aims to find out.

Chrysler's new tech-rich concept car aims young

Fiat-Chrysler on Tuesday unveiled a concept car designed for Millennials: an electric-powered minivan with modular components that can be adapted for autonomous driving.

Video: MIT Hyperloop

A team of MIT student designers is heading to California with a concept pod, a vision for the future of transportation, and a singular intention: to win the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition.

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