Study sheds new light on materials assembly in confinement

Cramming multiple pairs of shoes into a vacation suitcase, twisting and flipping them into different arrangements to fit every pair needed, is a familiar optimization problem faced by harried travelers. This same problem ...

Identifying a new, cleaner source for white light

When early humans discovered how to harness fire, they were able to push back against the nightly darkness that enveloped them. With the invention and widespread adoption of electricity, it became easier to separate heat ...

How have attitudes toward US immigration changed?

Hostility to immigrants isn't new to the United States. In 1896, Henry Cabot Lodge warned on the Senate floor that the "mental and moral qualities" of Americans would be endangered by the "wholesale infusion of races whose ...

New algorithm helps identify antibody genes

In a study published in the journal Genome Research, investigators in UC San Diego's Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Johns Hopkins University have illuminated the immunoglobulin (antibody) genes in 20 mammalian ...

Understanding friction, the unavoidable enemy

For machines with mechanical elements, friction is an unavoidable enemy. It is a major source of service failure and can reduce the lifespan of any machinery, from bicycles and cars to airplanes and assembly lines.

Quantum computer works with more than zero and one

We all learn from early on that computers work with zeros and ones, also known as binary information. This approach has been so successful that computers now power everything from coffee machines to self-driving cars and ...

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