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A quantum leap in mechanical oscillator technology

Over the past decade, scientists have made tremendous progress in generating quantum phenomena in mechanical systems. What seemed impossible only fifteen years ago has now become a reality, as researchers successfully create ...

Unlocking the secrets of spin with high-harmonic probes

Deep within every piece of magnetic material, electrons dance to the invisible tune of quantum mechanics. Their spins, akin to tiny atomic tops, dictate the magnetic behavior of the material they inhabit. This microscopic ...

A supermassive black hole and its jet, all in a single picture

In May 2022, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) team released the first-ever radio image of M87's central black hole. It was a stunning revelation based on observations made using a worldwide array of radio telescopes. Recently, ...

A new spin on Betelgeuse's boiling surface

Betelgeuse is a well-known red supergiant star in the constellation Orion. Recently it has gained a lot of attention, not only because variations in its brightness led to speculations that an explosion might be imminent, ...

Who's afraid of quantum computing?

The road to a quantum future may be longer and more winding than some expect, but the potential it holds is profound, writes UTS Associate Professor Chris Ferrie.

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