Iran media report new cyberattack by Stuxnet worm

(AP)—An Iranian semi-official news agency says there has been another cyberattack by the sophisticated computer worm Stuxnet, this time on the industries in the country's south.

Mac computers not immune to malware

The biggest vulnerability to Macintosh computers is the belief among their devoted users that Apple's superior operating system makes them immune to malware, experts say.

Ebola: Scientists reveal a new way it replicates

Scientists in Canada and the U.S. have discovered a new way in which Ebola—an often deadly virus affecting people mostly in sub-Saharan Africa—reproduces in the body.

When good computers go bad

Personal computers are complex devices. We use them every day to do so many things and quite frankly, I don't know how I got along without one back in the olden days (that's the '70s in case you were wondering). Their complexity ...

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