Related topics: computer

Battle is joined for Japan's e-book market

In highly-literate and gadget-loving Japan, e-books are curiously rare -- but battle for the largely-untapped and potentially hugely lucrative market is about to commence.

Review: Microsoft Surface straddles divide

Microsoft seems to have gotten the design and form factor right with its new Surface tablet computer. But the user interface, not so much. That's an odd conclusion to make about a device from a software company that usually ...

With tablet, Microsoft takes page from Apple

With its new tablet computer, Microsoft is taking a page from Apple's playbook in an effort to control both hardware and software for computers, in a strategy which carries some risk, analysts say.

Yahoo! ditches digital newsstand for iPads

Yahoo! shuttered its fledgling digital newsstand for iPads on Friday in what it said was the start of a product purge intended to make the floundering Internet pioneer more nimble.

Individual typing style gives key to user authentication

Your typing style is as individual as your fingerprints. Being able to use typing style to identify a change in users could be a vital security and forensic support for organisations such as banks, the military and universities, ...

Wikipedia founder: Public needs online references

(AP) -- The man who helped create the online reference Wikipedia said Tuesday that the end of Encyclopaedia Britannica's print run shows the world's growing reliance on the Internet as a base for knowledge.

To combat identity theft, protect computer

Having a triple-threat combination of protective software on your computer greatly reduces your chances of identity theft, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.

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