Quantum states reveal themselves with measurable 'fingerprint'

Researchers working in Singapore and the United States have discovered that all entangled states of two particles have a classical 'fingerprint'. This breakthrough could help engineers guard against errors and devices that ...

Seeing the quantum future... literally

Scientists at the University of Sydney have demonstrated the ability to "see" the future of quantum systems, and used that knowledge to preempt their demise, in a major achievement that could help bring the strange and powerful ...

Quantum computing a step closer to reality

Physicists at the Australian National University (ANU) have brought quantum computing a step closer to reality by stopping light in a new experiment.

Researchers find new way to control quantum systems

Researchers from the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo have developed a versatile new way of controlling quantum systems that can affect the reliability ...

Experiment records extreme quantum weirdness

Researchers from the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at the National University of Singapore and the University of Seville in Spain have reported the most extreme 'entanglement' between pairs of photons ever seen in ...

Quantum computing will bring immense processing possibilities

The one thing everyone knows about quantum mechanics is its legendary weirdness, in which the basic tenets of the world it describes seem alien to the world we live in. Superposition, where things can be in two states simultaneously, ...

New optical chip lights up the race for quantum computer

The microprocessor inside a computer is a single multipurpose chip that has revolutionised people's life, allowing them to use one machine to surf the web, check emails and keep track of finances.

IBM's Watson computing technology learns Japanese

The IBM Watson super-brainy computing technology, which has helped organize massive data as well as beaten champions on the Jeopardy TV show, is now learning Japanese.

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