Writing programs using ordinary language

In a pair of recent papers, researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have demonstrated that, for a few specific tasks, it's possible to write computer programs using ordinary language rather ...

Study reveals ancient jigsaw puzzle of past supercontinent

A new study published today in the journal Gondwana Research, has revealed the past position of the Australian, Antarctic and Indian tectonic plates, demonstrating how they formed the supercontinent Gondwana 165 million years ...

Computer programs improve fingerprint grading

Subjectivity is problematic when evaluating fingerprints, and quality is in the eye of the examiner. But three computer programs used together can give fingerprint grading unprecedented consistency and objectivity, according ...

Training intelligent systems to think on their own

(Phys.org) —The computing devices and software programs that enable the technology on which the modern world relies, says Hector Muñoz-Avila, can be likened to adolescents.

Google maps malicious websites

Google expanded its Transparency Report on Tuesday to include maps of spots around the world where hackers are laying traps or baiting Internet users.

Coding camps for kids rise in popularity

The video game Jacob Asofsky is creating is simple: "Someone who is trying to take over the world and you try to stop them." The 12-year-old from Florida is spending two weeks at a summer camp in a program that teaches programming ...

Programming model for supercomputers of the future

The demand for even faster, more effective, and also energy-saving computer clusters is growing in every sector. The new asynchronous programming model GPI from Fraunhofer ITWM might become a key building block towards realizing ...

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