Related topics: google

Designing the hardware

Computer chips' clocks have stopped getting faster. To maintain the regular doubling of computer power that we now take for granted, chip makers have been giving chips more "cores," or processing units. But how to distribute ...

'Fabric' would tighten the weave of online security

( -- As we become increasingly dependent on computers to manage our lives and businesses, our money and privacy become less and less secure. But now, Cornell researchers offer a way to build security into computer ...

Machines that learn better

( -- In the last 20 years or so, many of the key advances in artificial-intelligence research have come courtesy of machine learning, in which computers learn how to make predictions by looking for patterns in ...

Conquering the chaos in modern, multiprocessor computers

( -- Computers should not play dice. That, to paraphrase Einstein, is the feeling of a University of Washington computer scientist with a simple manifesto: If you enter the same computer command, you should get ...

Opinion: Why all children must learn code

Across the world, the conversion of information into a digital format—also called "digitalization"—has increased productivity in the public and private sectors. As a result, virtually every country in the world is working ...

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