Study breaks down science of sports betting

It's a dilemma that many a regular bettor probably faces often—deciding when to place a sports bet. In a study entitled, "A statistical theory of optimal decision-making in sports betting," Jacek Dmochowski, Associate Professor ...

Mobile Internet forcing computers to evolve

The shift to smartphones and tablets became a landslide this year, crushing desire for laptop computers and pressuring manufacturers to adapt to the mobile Internet era.

Stable quantum bits can be made from complex molecules

Quantum computing is about to get more complex. Researchers have evidence that large molecules made of nickel and chromium can store and process information in the same way bytes do for digital computers. The researchers ...

Two networks, two realities, one big problem

National news coverage from the two largest broadcast outlets, CNN and Fox News, not only reflects growing political polarization in America, but in a recent publication, researchers at Virginia Tech have shown that partisan ...

Videogame makers racing to develop iPad games

As an electronic reader, Apple's iPad has been touted as a possible "Kindle killer" but what has videogame makers buzzing is the potential of the touchscreen tablet computer as a gaming platform.

New computer cluster gets its grunt from games

Technology designed to blast aliens in computer games is part of a new GPU (Graphics Processing Units) computer cluster that will process CSIRO research data thousands of times faster and more efficiently than a desktop PC.

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