Another step toward quantum computers: Using photons for memory

( —Scientists at Yale University have found a new way to manipulate microwave signals that could aid the long-term effort to develop a quantum computer, a powerful tool that would revolutionize information processing ...

The cloud within us

The first tentative steps towards a peer-to-peer approach to cloud computing that enables users and removes the risks and costs of relying on industry giants to offer services are being taken by an international team of researchers.

Quantum information processing: A step closer

Researchers from Yale, Surrey, and Paris have made an important breakthrough towards 'quantum information processing', which promises to lead to massive information technology advances in the future.

Review: 'Smart' LED bulbs controlled by iPhones

LED bulbs seem to be the future of home lighting: They save electricity, they're durable and they don't contain mercury like compact fluorescents. But having them produce white light like any old light bulb is like using ...

Creating your own animated 3-D characters and scenes for the web

To show spatial animations on websites, developers so far have had only two options: to use special software or to implement it from scratch. Computer scientists at Saarland University have developed a declarative markup ...

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