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Prosecutors say man stole 130M credit card numbers

(AP) -- Federal prosecutors on Monday charged a Miami man with the largest case of credit and debit card data theft ever in the United States, accusing the one-time government informant of swiping 130 million accounts on ...

Australian charged with infecting 3,000 computers

(AP) -- A 20-year-old Australian man has been charged with infecting more than 3,000 computers around the world with a virus designed to capture banking and credit card data, police said Thursday.

Cyber crime lords using big business tactics: Cisco

Cyber criminals are aping executives when it comes to sales, marketing and risk management in the world of online treachery, according to a report released by networking giant Cisco.

SKorean police: Hackers extracted data in attacks

(AP) -- Hackers extracted lists of files from computers that they contaminated with the virus that triggered cyberattacks last week in the United States and South Korea, police in Seoul said Tuesday.

Self-learning security system for computer networks

Cyber attacks on computer networks are becoming increasingly commonplace. To counter the threat, they are protected by so-called network intrusion detection systems. But these fail to identify some attacks, or do not spot ...

UK looks to young geeks to secure cyberspace

(AP) -- Britain is hiring former computer hackers to join a new security unit aimed at protecting cyberspace from foreign spies, thieves and terrorists, the country's terrorism minister said.

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