The role of intuition in music performance

Emilia Gómez, a researcher with the Musical Technology Research Group (MTG) of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) at UPF, has attempted to create new digital approaches to enrich the experience ...

Studying bacteria communication for future nanoscale networks

( -- Think the future of communication is 4G? Think again. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are working on communication solutions for networks so futuristic they don’t even exist yet.

New theory could yield more-reliable communication protocols

Communication protocols for digital devices are very efficient but also very brittle: They require information to be specified in a precise order with a precise number of bits. If sender and receiver—say, a computer and ...

Review: BlackBerry Z10 is good stab at rebirth

Are you ashamed to have a BlackBerry? It's not exactly a status symbol any more, at least not in the U.S., after it got left in the dust by the iPhone. Now, there's a new BlackBerry that wants to get back into the cool club: ...

Logitech buys video conferencing firm

Switzerland-based Logitech is buying video-conferencing equipment firm LifeSize Communications in a 405-million-dollar deal expected to close next month.

Cyber-crooks targeting social-networking websites

Computer security specialists warn that Facebook users have been hit with a series of data-stealing attacks in the past week as cyber crooks increasingly stalk social-networking websites.

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