Quantum computing will bring immense processing possibilities

The one thing everyone knows about quantum mechanics is its legendary weirdness, in which the basic tenets of the world it describes seem alien to the world we live in. Superposition, where things can be in two states simultaneously, ...

Securing data from tomorrow's supercomputers

For the powerful quantum computers that will be developed in the future, cracking online bank account details and credit cards number will be a cinch.

Superfast fluorescence sets new speed record

Researchers have developed an ultrafast light-emitting device that can flip on and off 90 billion times a second and could form the basis of optical computing.

Hyperconnectivity and the future of internet communication

"Hyperconnectivity and the Future of Internet Communication" (Lambert Academic Publishing, May 2015) is the title of a new book edited by City University London Professor of Pervasive Computing, Professor Adrian Cheok.

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