Facebook's spam program catches innocent users

Facebook has sent notes of apology and is changing automated systems that blocked environmental activists and other people from posting on like-minded Facebook pages.

9 million bicycles, but what about the cars in Beijing?

Forget the fact of there being "9 million bicycles in Beijing, that's not a fact. Indeed, motor vehicle traffic is fast becoming a big problem that has led to unsustainable pollution and draconian rules in some parts of the ...

Machine learning offers insights into evolution of monkey faces

Computers are able to use monkey facial patterns not only to correctly identify species, but also distinguish individuals within species, a team of scientists has found. Their findings, which rely on computer algorithms to ...

Smart computer learns from video

Swiss researchers have written a computer programme that is able to analyse temporal and spatial patterns of moving objects, and on top of that is capable of learning. This would be a significant aid in traffic monitoring.

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