New cloud computing system can reduce carbon emissions

( —Computer scientists at Trinity College Dublin and IBM Dublin have made a significant advance that will allow companies to reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions, drive down costs, and minimise network delays ...

Quantum computing with recycled particles

A research team from the University of Bristol's Centre for Quantum Photonics (CQP) have brought the reality of a quantum computer one step closer by experimentally demonstrating a technique for significantly reducing the ...

UA engineer designs better error-correction code

( -- One company already has licensed the technology from the UA, and patents are pending to meet growing computer industry demand for the error-correction algorithm developed by Bane Vasic.

Scalable device for quantum information processing

( -- Researchers in NPL's Quantum Detection Group have demonstrated for the first time a monolithic 3D ion microtrap array which could be scaled up to handle several tens of ion-based quantum bits (qubits). The research, ...

A new way of designing auxetic materials

Imagine pulling on the long ends of a rectangular piece of rubber. It should become narrower and thinner. But what if it instead became wider and fatter? Now, push in on those same ends. What if the rubber became narrower ...

Scientists map all possible drug-like chemical compounds

( —Drug developers may have a new tool to search for more effective medications and new materials. It's a computer algorithm that can model and catalogue the entire set of lightweight, carbon-containing molecules ...

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