Google-style ranking used to describe gene connectivity

Using the technique known as "Gene Rank" (GR), Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center investigator Eugene Demidenko, PhD, captured and described a new characterization of gene connectivity in "Microarray Enriched Gene Rank," ...

Machine learning offers insights into evolution of monkey faces

Computers are able to use monkey facial patterns not only to correctly identify species, but also distinguish individuals within species, a team of scientists has found. Their findings, which rely on computer algorithms to ...

Machines teach astronomers about stars

Astronomers are enlisting the help of machines to sort through thousands of stars in our galaxy and learn their sizes, compositions and other basic traits.

Robots recognize humans in disaster environments

Through a computational algorithm, a team of researchers from the University of Guadalajara (UDG) in Mexico, developed a neural network that allows a small robot to detect different patterns, such as images, fingerprints, ...

The quantum revolution is a step closer

A new way to run a quantum algorithm using much simpler methods than previously thought has been discovered by a team of researchers at the University of Bristol. These findings could dramatically bring forward the development ...

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