Puzzling out the structure of a molecular giant

Combining AlphaFold2 with experimental and computational techniques has helped scientists figure out the human nuclear pore complex's architecture in greater detail than ever before.

Scientists resurrect ancient enzymes to improve photosynthesis

A Cornell study describes a breakthrough in the quest to improve photosynthesis in certain crops, a step toward adapting plants to rapid climate changes and increasing yields to feed a projected 9 billion people by 2050.

Team simulates collider physics on quantum computer

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory physicists Christian Bauer, Marat Freytsis and Benjamin Nachman have leveraged an IBM Q quantum computer through the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility's Quantum Computing User Program ...

Calcium pump motions captured in action

The pumping action of the calcium pump protein—an intricate molecular machine with several moving parts that helps control muscle contraction—has been detailed with exquisite precision by RIKEN biophysicists. By providing ...

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