Quantum speed limit may put brakes on quantum computers

Over the past five decades, standard computer processors have gotten increasingly faster. In recent years, however, the limits to that technology have become clear: Chip components can only get so small, and be packed only ...

The sublime challenge of jet noise

Humans make a lot of noise. The riffs of heavy metal bands like Metallica and Kiss have soared to levels in the 130-decibel range, levels sure to lead to auditory damage.

Three-dimensional chip combines computing and data storage

As embedded intelligence is finding its way into ever more areas of our lives, fields ranging from autonomous driving to personalized medicine are generating huge amounts of data. But just as the flood of data is reaching ...

Tracking the movement of cyborg cockroaches

New research from North Carolina State University offers insights into how far and how fast cyborg cockroaches - or biobots - move when exploring new spaces. The work moves researchers closer to their goal of using biobots ...

Innovation in brain imaging

Writers and scientists throughout history have searched for an apt technological analogy for the human brain, often comparing it to a computer. For Pulkit Grover, Carnegie Mellon University assistant professor of electrical ...

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